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Why Fresh Air Matters

Writer: Fresh Air MattersFresh Air Matters

There are only a few things in life that feel as nice as stepping outside and getting a deep breath of fresh air. Science has proven that going outside does more than just feel good, too; it can have some very surprising health benefits. So, why does fresh air matter?

Fresh Air Matters

It helps clean your lungs

One of the main reasons for poor indoor air quality is restricted airflow caused by the failure to regularly replace the air filters. Indoor air often has a low-quality balance of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide, especially in rooms with poor ventilation, air circulation, and air filtration. While having indoor plants, air purifiers, and regularly scheduled filter replacements can help, nothing beats stepping outside for fresh air. Fresh air generally has higher levels of oxygen, and (believe it or not) can be up to 5 times less polluted than indoor air. Exposure to more oxygen causes the blood vessels in your lungs to dilate, which improves cleansing and tissue repair within them, and helps them exchange gases more easily.

More energy and mental focus

As your lungs take in the fresh air, the oxygen levels in your blood go up. Higher oxygen levels mean more of it circulates to your brain, which helps you feel energized and improves your ability to concentrate and remember information. A study at the Human Cognitive Neuroscience Unit in Northumbria found that subjects given oxygen versus regular air performed up to 20% better on a memory test. It can also help promote the production of serotonin, allowing you to feel happier and less anxious. You’ll get a clearer, sharper, calmer mind, and all it takes is a few breaths of fresh air.

It lowers blood pressure and heart rate

The functionality of the cells in your blood requires oxygen. When there isn’t enough oxygen, your heart needs to work harder to make sure that what’s available gets to where it needs to go. Fresh air has plenty of oxygen, so a few deep breaths help to bring in more of this vital gas to your body. This means your heart can relax since it takes less effort to deliver what your body needs. More clean oxygen means your heart rate slows down, and your blood pressure lowers.

It helps you heal faster

Healing from illness and injuries is pretty taxing on the body. Since every cell requires oxygen, it makes sense that replacing damaged cells increases your body’s demand for air. While oxygen therapy has been shown to help improve recovery time for athletes, fresh air can help you feel better and heal faster, too.

It can improve digestion

Sometimes, it isn’t just oxygen that helps our bodies. The simple act of stepping away outside does, too. When we’re stuck at our desks, or eating snacks here and there between tasks, the body has to divert blood flow from our digestive systems to our brains. It’s even worse when we’re stressed out since our fight-or-flight response pushes blood to our muscles in case we need to escape. Going outside to relax and enjoy some fresh air doesn’t just supply our cells with much-needed oxygen, it also tells our bodies that it’s okay to digest and supplies our stomachs and intestines with vital blood flow.

The air indoors can be up to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. With DIY projects, paints, gasses, air fresheners, pet dander, and other allergens, pollutants, and contaminants circulating through the indoor air we breathe, fresh outdoor air and sunlight can help improve our well-being across multiple areas. From making us feel happier and more relaxed, to having a measurable effect on our circulatory systems, recovery time, and overall health, fresh air matters. If you find yourself feeling stressed, tired, sluggish, or even just bloated, step outside and take a few good, deep breaths of fresh air. Your body and your mind need it.

Fresh Air Matters
Fresh Air Matters Air Quality Services

Fresh Air Matters specializes in creating a healthy indoor environment by cleaning the air you breathe. Our local plans and services include air filter replacement plans, air duct cleaning, carpet cleaning, HVAC maintenance, and more, as well as our top brand air purifiers are proven to capture, remove, and eliminate the indoor airborne contaminants negatively affecting your IAQ and overall health. Go to for more information on how we help you clean your air.

Fresh Air Matters


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